14 x 11 inches
Oil on canvas panel
"Santa Teresa Sunset I" (2022) is an original painting made in oil on canvas board. It is the first painting I created for my Costa Rica series, depicting a fiery sky, one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever witnessed in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica. It is inspired by an important and personally touching trip I made to this beach in 2022. The crashing waves and dynamic brushwork bring the Santa Teresa ocean to life.
Signed and dated in the back. Includes certificate of authenticity.
SOLD - "Santa Teresa Sunset I" (2022) - 14 x 11'' Original Painting
14 x 11 inches
Oil on canvas panel
Claudia works hard to have clear and accurate photos, but color nuances cannot be captured perfectly by digital media and vary from screen to screen. If you just aren't sure about the painting or its colors, she will be happy to send more photos with close ups. Please be sure you love the painting before you purchase it. Paintings are not sold 'upon approval'. This means Claudia cannot accept a return if it doesn't match or you change your mind.
If a painting is damaged during shipping, Claudia can work out a return and refund with you.SHIPPING INFO
Ships within 3 weeks in the U.S.
For international shipping inquiries, contact Additional shipping charges will be invoiced after purchase, and depending on painting size and collector location, will be $250-$500 USD. Purchasers are also responsible for all additional customs/fees upon receipt of painting.To pick up your painting in person in the New York City area, please email after your purchase to set up a time and avoid shipping fees.
Copyright: As is true with all art under U.S. law, the artist retains reproduction rights and copyright of her created pieces unless she has expressly given her written and signed consent.